Thursday, October 07, 2004

MTV gets sneaky

So I had the terrible misfortunate of finding myself in front of the TV in my office's reception area yesterday while Real World was on. Halfway through one of the patented "one-on-one with the camera and re-cap what we just saw" confession moments, static hits and MTV announces an interruption in their regular programming. It's the dude from Yellowcard urging viewers to vote on Nov. 2, that we have a chance to make change in this country, blah blah blah. Then static, and back to the Real Worlder telling us how horrible his life is living in this house, etc. So, no fun links today, but an interesting strategy by MTV to grab their ADHD viewers by surprise, and sounding quite partisan at that. Let's see if these kids (assuming they're 18 already) decide whether to Vote or Die.

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